
BRISCHICK NATYA SANSTHA of Bansberia was founded in 1975. The name of the founder is Late Dilip Mukhopadhay. About 40 Km away from KOLKATA, this dramatic wing has been performing continuously one after another a large number of good dramatic performances.In course of its 45 years journey, Brischick has performed 18 full length and 45 one-act-plays and most of these plays written and directed by Tapas Mukhopadhay.

Full-lengths: Gulsan, King Oedipus, Antigone, Bichon, Bisorjan, Megh, RaktakarabiKinu Kaharer ThetarArms and the man etc.

One-acts: Dansagar, Dani Jamin, Antaran, Tapoban, Akannoborty, Swapner Swadesh, Dwitiyar Chand, Bankubabu Alen, AntardarshanUttaradhikar, Andhi, Irsha, Dakghar, Coffin , Buro Shaliker Ghare Ron etc.

Brischick holds Drama Festival with considerable success every year. It also publishes as a Theater JournalNatyasanskriti Anubhab‘. It has also Beneficiary Fund for helping the poor workers of theater.